Pokémon heroes: the movie: Ash, Pikachu, and friends must stop a gang of thieves from stealing a precious jewel by pursuing them through the waterways and underground tunnels of Altomare, the water capital of the world; Pokémon 4ever: Introducing Celebi, a green, winged Pokémon with the ability to travel through time. When Celebi is captured, the fate of the entire forest is threatened; Pokémon: Destiny Deoxys: Deoxys, a Pokemon from space, has reappeared, putting a barrier around the city and kidnapping people. Rayquaza, a Pokemon that lives in the atmosphere, comes to fight it; Pokémon: Jirachi wish maker: Once every 1000 years, when the Millennium Comet is visible, Jirachi awakens from his slumber. When he awakes in a traveling circus, he has new friends, Ash, Pikachu, Max, and the gang. They must rescue Jirachi from an evil magician who wants his energy.